Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ruth's Diner is so Good

So it has been a while since I have been out to Ruth's Diner and I love breakfast. So I asked Amy to come and was shocked to hear that she had never been. She loved the Mile High Biscuts and is now a fan of Ruth's.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wipe Out!

If you have not seen this show you should start. It is good for a laugh watching people wipe out. And Big Balls!

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IT Guys Save the World One Problem at a Time

So I had a co-worker IM me the other day that the sound on her computer was not working and if I could help her when I had a free minute. I got busy and didn't get to it that day. On my way into work I get a text telling me that the sound is still not working. So I walk over to her desk and she started to play music so show me that the sound was not working. I then climbed under her desk and pushed the power supply for the speaker back into the power strip. Sound! Some days I wonder if they pay me enough for the knowledge and skills that I have.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Team Spirit at Work

We had a training meeting at work this week that talked about having a better team atmosphere at work. So I thought about many of the good teams that I know and what they have that make them so great. My first idea was a theme song, so since I have no musical skills at all, at all (for some reason when you repeat things people take you more seriously) I had to find one. So I took the A-Team's theme song. Does this song not make you want to go out and fight for justice and the good in the world even though the military is out to get you? I do! Go A-team-viacode!