Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Boring Answers to Life

I had forgotten that I had created this a long time ago and it has been sitting blank for months now. Well I finally decided to post and get it started.
I am one of those people who is really bad about telling people what is going on in my life. When I do I give these short boring answers and say all I do is work, which is very true, some days. Then I have to follow up with, "My life is more exciting then that, just... can't... think of anything right... now..." Well we all kind of do that and it is pretty boring... so begins my blog!


Emily said...

I know what you mean. Mom or Liz call and ask me what's new and I can't think of a darn thing to say. I'm glad you have a blog though--we have to get other family members to join in. As far as suggestions, I always love lots of pictures!

Liz Robertson said...

Amen. You sure are boring. JUST KIDDING Chris! Except that I figured out that technically I don't go blank per se. My brain automatically, incorrectly assumes people aren't interested in what I do (i.e. church women don't follow politics; no one wants to hear about installing new closet shelves; I just researched alternative music notation; I'm embarrassed I spent hours ridding the house of our cat's fleas)..........But actually, people DO wanna hear about it. If all YOU did was tried a new cereal for breakfast--it's not mundane, it's interesting, tell me!