Thursday, February 21, 2008


For years I have bragged about never being sick besides my yearly allergies (but those are my genetic blessing). Whenever people would tell me they were sick and I should get away, I would tell them, "I am not worried, I never get sick." They would always respond with, "You better not say that, now you are going to get sick!" Well for the most part that has never caught up to me and its been years since I have been sick.
Well this last week I got the flu along with everyone else that I know. I can see why I avoided it for so long, the relentless cough, the aching body, the sleepless nights and the up set stomach. It took me away from work for a couple days which some people might enjoy but it kind of sucks in my book, I like working. Worst of all it took me out of my training for the half marathon. I plan to start right up this week as though nothing happened but I know it will still effect me in the end. Sickness is so over rated, why do people do it so much?

1 comment:

Jacob said...

How is the training going for the half-marathon?