Monday, May 12, 2008

Half Marathon Results

Ok, it has been over three weeks from when I ran the Salt Lake City Half Marathon, I think it is about time that I update this and let people know what is going on. I ran it in 1:54:43 seconds and that was with in the time frame that I wanted to finish in, under two hours.

I started out running with some friends of mine, Amy and Kellie, but then I lost them at the first air station as they stopped to get some water. I was doing really well and was keeping a good pace and my IT band was almost never a pain. I was doing well until I got to Liberty Park, about 3 miles left, and I got really tired. Up to this point, because of my IT band injury, I had never ran over eight miles. So the last part of the race was hard for me as I was not really prepared. I had slowed down about this time to take a good drink of water and soon realized that if I stopped my legs would cramp up and I did not know if I could get them going again.

I watched some people drop off and start to walk at this point but knew it was only a bit farther and could not stop. I was able to finish strong and its amazing where the strength comes from when you have all these people cheering around you. I am glad to have it done and am excited for the next race. I have sadly been taking a break for the last couple weeks, not running at all due to my IT band.

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